14th Sunday Of Ordinary Time

Jesus comes among us as one like us - his own people were surprised at his goodness and his powers. He comes among us today in the ordinariness of his people, in their needs and in their love.

→ download Focus on Sunday
→ download the parish bulletin

Honouring Sunday

"The Sunday Eucharist is a gift...
our deepest joy. We need to make it the foundation stone of our lives."

"... receive the Body and Blood of Christ with faith and ... be satisfied"
Pope Francis.

→ letter, Bishops of England & Wales Apr 21
→ letter, Bishops of England & Wales May 22


Loving God, We pray for the people of Ukraine, for all those suffering or afraid, be close to them and protect them. We pray for world leaders, for compassion, strength and wisdom to guide their choices. We pray for the world that in this moment of crisis, we may reach out in solidarity to our brothers and sisters in need. Amen.

→ For Ukraine - Leeds Festival Chorus
→ message from Bishop Marcus - Ukraine

Our Lady & All Saints Catholic Church

Mass times beginning 6th July
14th Week of Ordinary Time

Saturday 6th July
12 noon Mass for the Sick
Parish Deceased 2023
6.30pm Vigil Mass
People of the Parish

Sunday 7th July
9.30am Mass
Dorothy (A) & Robert Hopper
11.15am Mass
40th B’day Thanksgiving (P & E.N)

Monday 8th July
10.00am Mass
Clifford Ashley (A)

Tuesday 9th July
Parish Deceased 2023
7.30pm Mass
Clare Compton (LD)

Wednesday 10th July
9.25am Exposition
10.00am Mass
Frances Armstrong (A)

Thursday 11th July
9.30am Mass
Alistair Goodwin

Friday 12th July
10.00am Mass
Birthday Thanksgiving (MMc)

Saturday 13th July
10am Mass
Frank Pallagrass (LD)
6.30pm Vigil Mass ~ 15th Sunday (B)
People of the Parish

Sunday 14th July
9.30am Mass
Kathleen Carroll (A)
11.15am Mass
Verdun Ashley (A)

Our Parish

"For us Christ is everything. If you have a wound to heal, he is the doctor; if you are parched by fever; he is the spring; if you are oppressed by injustice, he is justice; if you are in need of help, he is strength; if you fear death, he is life; if you desire heaven, he is the way; if you are in darkness, he is the light.”
St Ambrose of Milan

Thursday 11th July

St Benedict, Abbot and Patron of Europe

Benedict wasn’t interested in the praise of men; he sought only holiness. Leaving his nurse behind, he moved closer to the town of Subiaco and took up residence in a cave. Nearby, he met a holy monk, Romanus, whom Benedict consulted for spiritual advice. At Romanus’ encouragement, Benedict took on the monastic habit and lived in the cave for the next three years as a hermit. Romanus visited him frequently, bringing him food as needed. As a hermit, Benedict prayerfully sought to root out all sin in his life, especially the three temptations common to most men: "the temptation of self-affirmation and the desire to put oneself at the center, the temptation of sensuality and, lastly, the temptation of anger and revenge".

download the current parish bulletin

→ Map - where are we

Sacrament of Reconciliation
by appointment with Father Nicholas

Please visit the CAFOD website for their
Themes for prayer


Fr Nicholas Hird Tel: 01943 462146

Address: 4 Bridge Street, Otley, LS21 3AZ

Parish email: office.ourladyallsaints@dioceseofleeds.org.uk

Parish Centre bookings: Text: 07973 376312


Leeds Cathedral

Leeds Festival Chorus

LIVE Masses online - a directory

MASS from St Marys, Halifax

MASS from St Edward’s, Wetherby

Mass from Walsingham

Knock Shrine

The Catholic Voice, Diocese of Lancaster.

Weekly Bulletin

Download the weekly Parish Bulletin → here

Synod of Bishops, Rome 2023

Pastoral Letter on the Synod of Bishops, Rome 2023

→ The Bishop's Pastoral letter ~ 26th November 2023
→ The Bishop's Pastoral letter ~ 15th September 2023
→ PRAYER FOR THE SYNOD OF BISHOPS: Adsumus Sancte Spiritus


Download 'Focus On Sunday'
→ here

Bishops' Letter

A Message from the Metropolitan Archbishops of the Catholic Church in England and Wales

A pastoral letter of encouragement during difficult times.

→ Pastoral letter ~ 7 ‎February 2021

Honouring Sunday

"The Sunday Eucharist is a gift...

"... receive the Body and Blood of Christ with faith and ... be satisfied"
Pope Francis.

→ letter, Bishops of England & Wales Apr 21
→ letter, Bishops of England & Wales May 22


Follow the link below for a secure system of giving arranged by the Diocese and our Parish is automatically specified in your donation.

→ Please donate here

Welcoming all